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M2 Research Panel 2019


  • Lunch lectures where medical professionals and researchers present their research projects

  • Panels on how various healthcare professionals incorporate research into their practice

  • Panels on how upperclassmen found research opportunities and their various experiences with them

  • Showcases where students can present the research that they have done through summer and capstone projects

  • Workshops in crafting research grants, abstracts, posters, presentations, and papers


COVID-19 Research Lunch Lecture - Tuesday (8/18) 

12-1PM [ZOOM]: Confused about how the COVID-19 pandemic is going to change the practice of medicine? Interested in interdisciplinary research but unsure what it really entails? Join us for a talk with Dr. Alan Dow and Dr. Deborah DiazGranados on how research surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping the medical profession and where this transformation will go! RSVP here.



What you always wanted to know about translational research but never dared to ask? (Cardiology Interest Group) - Wednesday (8/19) 

12-1PM [Zoom]: Dr. Abbate, MD, PhD; Professor of Cardiology and Vice Chair of of the Division of Cardiology will be discussing key components of translational research, critical steps prior to considering translational research, and challenges specific to translational research. RSVP here.

*Please do not register unless you are serious about a career as a physician scientist or truly passionate about research as there will be limited time for Q/A.



The Pathway to Academic Medicine and Clinical Research Lecture - Tuesday (10/27) 

12-1PM [ZOOM]: Join us as Dr. Jordana Kron  shares  her experiences of  becoming an electrophysiologist and how she got into academic medicine and clinical research. RSVP form will be released closer to the date (sign up for our mailing list!).



M2 Research Panel - TBD

Get advice from your upperclassmen on how to find research and summer funding opportunities! Advice from previous years can be found under "resources."



James D. Popp Summer Research 

JACK's Summer Scholars Program


Dean's Summer Research Fellowship

JACK's Summer Scholars is a summer program open to both medical and pre-medical students who are interested in conducting research related to infant and maternal health. Accepted applicants will have the opportunity to work under a faculty mentor as well as have shadowing opportunities in several pediatric subspecialties.


Criteria: Medical students must be in good standing at their university and have completed one year of medical school.

The James D. Popp Fellowship was created to engage first year medical students in cancer-related research during the summer following their first year of school. Accepted scholars will receive a $4000 stipend for summer living expenses as well as $1000 to attend a national scientific conference. 


Criteria: Applicants must have completed the first nine months of medical school and be able to articulate a compelling reason for wanting to learn more about cancer research. The award is not intended for students who have previously had extensive research experience or who have already made a commitment to research. Instead it is intended for medical students who may not have previously experienced hypothesis driven research but who, during their first year of medical school, have been awakened to the connection between research and treating or solving a perplexing clinical challenge. 

The Dean's Summer Research Fellowship is open to first year VCU medical students who are interested in conducting research over the summer. Selected students will receive a stipend of $2500 and will devote full time to their research project for a period of two months. 


Criteria: Students in the School of Medicine may do research with any faculty member in the school but must register and fill out an application. Fellowships are for a period of two months and are offered between the M1 and M2 years. A faculty member may sponsor only one fellowship-funded student application per year, unless a compelling justification to supervise more than one student is approved by the Senior Associate Dean for Research and Research Training.

Last Year's Deadline: February 1, 2020

Deadline: February 1, 2021

Last Year's Deadline: March 9, 2020

Deadline: TBD

Last Year's Deadline: March 13, 2020 

Deadline: March 14th, 2021

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